miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010

blood on the dance floor!

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    Blood On The Dance Floor, also known as BOTDF, is an Electronica/Power Pop band originated in Orlando, Florida. The band originally consisted only of Dahvie Vanity for the first album, "Let's Start A Riot," and then Garrett Ecstasy joined as an "unofficial backup singer/screamer" for their second album, "It's Hard to Be A Diamond In A Rhinestone World." After Garret and Dahvie became friends, Garrett became an official member of the band recording the EPs "I Scream I Scream" and "OMFG - Sneak Peak" which was a sneak peak the never released album "OMFG". This album remains unreleased because Garrett and Dahvie split up in the middle of touring for the album in Portland, Oregon. After the break-up the long-time friend of both Garrett and Dahvie, Jayy Von Monroe, joined the group creating their singles "Horrifically Delicious", "Success Is The Best Revenge!", "Sexting", "Designed To Kill", and "Candyland", Which reached number 23 on iTunes' top Electronic songs chart.

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